The UL260ISA is basically an UL260IS engine. A modified engine casing, oil sump and oil pick up system, designed by our very own ULPOWER team, and an additional inverted oil system allows the ULPOWER engines to fly inverted.

This inverted oil system copes with potential greasing issues. The oil pick-up tube in the oil sump is mounted with a hinge joint. While climbing or diving up to an angle of 90°, the oil pump can pick up the oil from the sump without any problem.

The oil inverted valve can change the pick-up direction while climbing or inverted flying, this means that the oil is coming from the top of the engine casing (which is now the lowest point).

The large (but light) “oil air breather” prevents the oil from leaving the engine.

The fuel injection system (instead of carburetor) prevents the engine from stopping or losing fuel when flying inverted. IMPORTANT REMARK: modification in your fuel tank is needed to prevent engine from sucking air.

Oil capacity: Oil sump must be filled with 4 liter oil.(1.06 US gal)



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